There are currently pins for Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec and New Brunswick. There is also a pin for California. Our pins are larger than those of the RHS and cost less. Each of our pins are original designs. See photos below

We have a pin for B.C. and it can be ordered by emailing bcpins@gmail.com (VERY LIMITED NUMBER OF THIS PIN REMAIN - SELLING OUT QUICKLY!)

Alberta pin is available thru elaineh@hildavid.com

Ontario pin is from shirleymurphy@rogers.com  

Manitoba Pins are available from  rcandryo@mts.net  

Vancouver Island Pins gyac@shaw.ca  (SOLD OUT!)

The Summerland pin is $5 plus $2 for shipping and handling and available through Summerland Tootie Fruitie's , c/o L MacDonald, PO Box 44 Summerland BC V0H 1Z0. 

Received this great email from one of the girls....

"My sister in California wore her B.C. pin to headquarters when she was in that area, & relayed that they were most impressed!
Thanks once again for all you do Lynda.

And that was when the RHS decided to do State pins and if you notice, they are a copy of our Canadian pins!

Summerland has a new pin - to order email blpmac@vip.net


on the pin the yellow is actually gold - very pretty!


Ontario pin information - contact:

Send us a copy of your Red Hat pin to post here along with how to order by clicking here 

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