A Red Hatter Survival Kit

(great to give out at a function and have them read what they got... add a gift - maybe the latest book by Sue Ellen!)
I am sure you can think of lots of other ideas to add to these, and maybe you'll be kind enough to share them with us so we can add them!

Red & Purple Feathers ~ to remind you that you can fly!
Kazoo ~ don’t forget to toot your own horn
Hershey's Kiss ~ to remind you of the sweetness of family & friends
Penny ~ for your thoughts, you might as well get paid to talk to yourself
Rubber-band ~ to remind you to be flexible
Paper-Clip ~ to remind you that you are an important link in others lives
Eraser ~ to remind you that everyone makes mistakes
Band-Aid ~ to fix your hurt feelings
Nuts ~ to remind you to be a little nutty & laugh
Cotton Ball ~ for those times when you can't hear yourself think
Toothpick ~ to remind you to pick out the good in all situations
Candle ~ when you feel in the dark
Aspirin ~ when all else fails - take two & call a Red Hat Sister!  

Red Heart ~ To remind you that you are loved by all your red hat sisters

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