
Objective: Pass a gift to the left or right around the circle as the story is read. Lots of fun!

Game type:
Passive. Little or no movement is required.
2 or more players.
Needed: 2 or 3 gifts (wrapped or unwrapped)

Rules: Seat everyone in a circle. Provide one gift for every 3 or 4 people. Hand to gifts to people at different points in the circle (not right next to each other). Read the story below and have players hand the gifts right or left whenever the words "right" or "left" are spoken.

Story: Christmas was almost here, and Mother RIGHT was finishing the Christmas baking.

Father RIGHT, Sue RIGHT, and Billy RIGHT returned from their last-minute Christmas errands.

"There's not much LEFT to be done," said Father RIGHT as he came into the kitchen.

"Did you leave the basket of food at church?" asked Mother RIGHT.

"I LEFT it RIGHT where you told me to," said Father RIGHT.

"I'm glad my shopping is done," said Billy RIGHT. "I don't have any money LEFT."

The hall telephone rang, and Susan RIGHT LEFT to answer it.

She rushed back and told the family "Aunt Tillie RIGHT LEFT a package for us RIGHT on Grandma RIGHT's porch.

I'll go over there RIGHT now and get it." she said as she LEFT in a rush.

Father RIGHT LEFT the kitchen and brought in the Christmas tree.

By the time Susan RIGHT returned, Mother RIGHT, Father RIGHT, and Billy RIGHT had begun trimming the tree.

The entire RIGHT family sang carols as they finished the decorating.

Then they LEFT all the presents arranged under the tree and went to bed, hoping they had selected the RIGHT gifts for their family.

Now I hope you have the RIGHT present for yourself, because that's all that's LEFT of our story.....

Except to wish you a Merry Christmas....Isn't that RIGHT?

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